How to improve arm strength and throw further

May 3, 2024

Two of the most common questions I get asked are, “How can I throw the ball further?” and “How can I improve my arm strength?”. In this post, we are going to provide you with some guidance to help throw the ball further and break common misconceptions about arm strength.

How can I throw the ball further and improve my arm strength?

I am often asked a variation of this question every day by quarterbacks of all ages across the country. This is not a simple answer or a one size fits all approach. Let’s start this off by listing some common misconceptions out there.

Common myths about throwing the ball further

  • If I get stronger it will automatically translate to throwing the ball harder and further. Strength in the weight room does not directly translate to throwing the ball further. If you do not have proper mechanics or if you put on too much muscle and lose the flexibility/”whippiness” of your arm then you will never reach your peak velocity throwing the ball. Always remember, proper mechanics and fundamentals is way more important than pure strength when it comes to arm strength. By no means am I saying you should not put on muscle and lift hard in the weight room, both of these things can be very beneficial for you. I am simply saying that muscle does not directly translate with arm strength… if this was true then the strongest player on the team would be able to throw the ball the furthest and we all know this is not true.
  • I simply need to put more of my body into it and “throw harder.” This thought process can actually be detrimental to your deep ball. I always tell players, the deeper you throw the smoother you have to be fundamentally. Putting your whole body into the throw will actually cause you to lose velocity and accuracy in addition to putting more strain on your body.
  • You are born with a certain amount of arm strength and that is all you will ever have. This is simply not true and is a limiting belief that you need to get rid of. Countless times, I have seen quarterbacks improve things that I list below and drastically improve their arm strength. You need to develop a growth mindset that whatever you put your mind to you can achieve.

Okay that is great, but you still haven’t answered me…

How can I throw further?

This is a complex question that has a complex answer. If there was one drill or quick fix I could give you all to improve your arm strength I would give it out to everyone, but that is not the case. Improving a quarterback’s arm strength involves assessing the athlete as a whole to look for areas of improvement. Here are some things that play a key role in arm strength…

  • Proper fundamentals: Proper fundamentals and mechanics are the number one thing to assess. Are you staying stable with your front side, sequencing correctly, using rotational force, and staying whippy with your release? If you need help with this, feel free to reach out to me.
  • Strength training: Are you incorporating lifts that train explosiveness? Are you strengthening your legs, core and back? Do you have any muscle imbalances or deficiencies? Explosive workouts and balanced muscles play a key role in arm strength. This does not only mean lifting but includes things like medicine ball throws, tire flips, hill sprints, etc..
  • Recovery/flexibility: You must maintain flexibility through your spine and upper body so that you can maintain “whippiness” in your throw.
  • Sleep: Proper sleep is essential for your performance as an athlete. You will never perform at your highest level until you optimize your sleep. Check out my other post if you want detailed information on how to optimize your sleep.
  • Nutrition: Just like fuel helps a car run, nutrition is what helps your body run. There is a big difference between putting premium oil into your car or putting junk in there. Like with sleep, you must take your nutrition seriously if you want to perform at your best level which includes throwing the ball further and harder.
  • Mentality/mindset: This might be one of the most important things that is never talked about. Often I hear QBs say “I cannot throw the ball far?” This is a limiting belief that will prevent you from ever being able to throw the deep ball as well as you can. I can go on and on with this topic, but that is for another time. Just know your brain is always trying to prove you right so if you think “I cannot throw far” it will find every experience, whether it is real or imagined, to reinforce this belief. Instead, replace this with something like “What can I improve on to help me throw the ball further?”.

Do you have any room for improvement in any of the above categories? If so, I would suggest optimizing each area to help increase your arm strength. Not only will maximizing these increase your arm strength, but they will help you become an overall better athlete. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any help in any of these areas.